Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Enjoy the view

When climbing a serious mountain it is important to stop once in a while to stop, set up camp, and enjoy the view. How else will you know how far you have come? If you just keep climbing and working towards the top, you not only reduce your chances of making it to the top, you run the risk of forgetting why you set out on the journey in the first place. Why do we play this game in the first place? You began because you enjoyed it; it was something to do to meet and get closer to friends, share moments with family, and to challenge yourself to grow. Now I see most hitters still working on their swing in the on deck circle, or worse, in the box!

Sometimes in the pursuit of excellence on the Diamond we get so busy trying to get better we forget to enjoy the fruits of the work we have already put in. At practice we need to work like crazy and push ourselves but in the games we need to have fun and just be the best we are right now. Take the time to stop working on your swing or your pitching motion and just be 100% in the moment. We must not be on a constant mode of getting somewhere, sometimes we need to arrive and enjoy the view.

When should your at bat begin? Some say the night before, visualizing or planning you strategy against a certain pitcher. But in my experience it is thinking too much that gets you into trouble. When we are going great we are having a great time in the dugout, relaxed and focused on the game as it is unfolding. We are watching the game, our teammates, cheering for them and even taking time to encourage them.  We might be asked to offer a tip or two to improve their chances for success and we gladly share any insight we have.  We get prepared as far as helmet and batting gloves very early while in the hole or double hole. However, as far as our actual at bat goes we don't think about it at all, because it would be moving forward in time and breaking flow. We have no anxiety or worries going through our heads because we believe it will take care of it's self. A hitter that is not confident starts wondering what pitch he might get and all the possible outcomes way to early. He is anxious and just can't get enough swings in on deck before he is call upon to hit. The trained and confident hitter is on one knee in the on deck circle gazing calmly at the out at the game letting the at bat come to him.  The attitude is "I expect nothing, I can handle anything"  My spirit is still and I feel no need to predict or control the game.  I have worked hard and trained my mind and body so now it is time to "enjoy the view" the time for self coaching (or any coaching really ) is over now.  It's time to serve my team with my very best. 100% of my spirit, mind and body in the moment.  We'll get back to work and keep improving and refining and climbing for sure, but not now, now it is time to just play.